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Norman Sedgley

Professor of Economics
Norman Sedgley

Research Areas

I conduct research in the areas of international trade, innovation and economic growth. My research concerns the avenues through which trade and trade policy influence market structure, entrepreneurship, innovation and industry/macroeconomic performance. My research utilizes the tools of theoretical economics and applied econometrics.

Academic Degrees

Ph D, University of New Hampshire
MA, University of New Hampshire
BA, University of New Hampshire

Representative Publications

Sedgley, Norman. “Trade, Competition and Innovation” Applied Economics, Vol 55, Issue 44 (2023), 5189-5201.

Sedgley, Norman. “Step by Step Innovation without Mutually Exclusive Patenting: Implications for the Relationship between Innovation and Competition,” BE Journal of Theoretical Economics, 23(1), 469-485, 2023.

“Using Panel VAR to analyze International Knowledge Spillovers,” The Review of International Economics.  Forthcoming.  (with Nune Hovhannisyan).

“The Symmetry and Cyclicality of R&D Spending in Advanced Economies,” Empirical Economics, 57, 1811-1828.  2019(John Burger, and Kerry Tan)

“A Note on School Quality, Educational Attainment and the Wage Gap,” Eastern Economic Journal, Palgrave Macmillan; Eastern Economic Association, vol. 45(3), pages 415-421, June2019 (with Srikanth Ramamurthy)

“Discrimination, Human Capital and Life Expectancy in a Model of Economic Development,” International Journal of Economic theory, forthcoming (with Bruce Elmslie)

“Macroeconomic Shocks and Corporate R&D,” The BE Journal of Macroeconomics, 17(2), Dec 2016 (with John Burger and Kerry Tan)

“The Roles of Innovators and Labor in a Schumpeterian Factor Endowments Based Model of Intra-industry Trade,” The Review of International Economics,23(5), 873-896, 2015 (with Kerry Tan)

“The fiscal multiplier with heterogeneous agents: the role of wealth, wealth distribution and interest rates under Ricardian equivalence,” The Review of Keynesian Economics Vol 3 (July 2015), 419-432 (with Charles Scott and Fred Derrick)

“Human Capital Choice and the Wage Gap: The Role of Worklife Expectancy and Statistical Discrimination,” Journal of Labor Research, 36, 2015, 175-187. (with Srikanth Ramamurthy)

“Exploring Fiscal Policy at Zero Interest Rates in Intermediate Macroeconomics,” The Journal of Economic Education 44(4), 2013, 353-363 (with Srikanth Ramamurthy)

“The dynamic properties of steady state equilibrium in lab equipment semi endogenous and fully endogenous growth models with expanding sectors,” Macroeconomic Dynamics,17(5), 2013, 1118-1134 (with Bruce Elmslie)

“Do we still need cities; evidence from count data models,” The American journal of Economics and Sociology, 70, 1, 2011, 86-108(with Bruce Elmslie).

“Reinterpreting the Jones critique, A time Series Approach to Testing and Understanding Idea Driven Growth Models with Transitional dynamics” The Journal of Macroeconomics, 32, 2010, 103-117 (with Bruce Elmslie) 

“Prison’s Dilemma: Do Education and Jobs Programs Affect Recidivism?” Economica, 77, 307, July 2010, 49-517 (with Charles Scott, Nancy Williams and Fred Derrick.)

“Estimating the Effect of Educational Test Scores on House Prices in a Model with Spatial Heterogeneity,” Journal of Housing Economics, 17, 2, June 2008, 191-200  (With Nancy Williams and Fred Derrick.)

“A Time Series Test of Innovation Driven Growth Models,” Economic Inquiry, 44, 2, April 2006, 318-332.

“Discrimination and Economic Growth; the Distribution across Skills Matters,” Economics Letters, 90, 2006, 194-199.

"A Time Series Test of Regional Convergence in the USA with Dynamic Panel Models, 1972-1998," Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2005 (with Bruce Elmslie).

"The Conventional Wage Share Vs Full employment Equilibrium: Implications for the Development of Growth Theory," Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28, 6, November, 2004, 875-888 (with Bruce Elmslie).

Awards and Honors

Omicron Delta Epsilon - National Honor Society in Economics
Beta Gamma Sigma-National Honor Society in Business
Pi Gamma Mu - National Honor Society in the Social Sciences
Bogan Award for Outstanding Academic Performance in Graduate Studies, 1994
Business Industry Association Fellowship, 1996
Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award, 1998-99
Economics Outstanding Research Article 2003
Economics Distinguished Teacher Award 2005
Economics Distinguished Research Award 2006
France Merrick Chaired Research Professor, 2010-2015
Economics Distinguished Research Award 2020
Economics Distinguished Teacher Award 2022
Sellinger STAR award for Service 2022

Professional Memberships

American Economics Association
Western Economics Association
Southern Economics Association
History of Economic Society