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Economics Department Events

Impact Fellowship Lecture

Thursday, April 28 | 4:30 p.m. | 4th Floor Programming Room

black and white headshot of Dr. Lawrence T. BrownThis year’s speaker is Dr. Lawrence T. Brown, author of The Black Butterfly: The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America. After serving as an assistant and associate professor at Morgan State University in the School of Community Health and Policy from 2013 – 2019, Dr. Brown is now currently serving as a research scientist at the Center for Urban Health Equity (CUHE) at Morgan State University.  He is leading CUHE's Black Butterfly Rising Initiative which aims to "Make Black Neighborhoods Matter."

Dr. Brown will be discussing both the cause of segregation as well as the path forward towards racial equity.  His research analyzes not only past institutions, but the current legislation and regulatory policies that contribute to segregation in the areas of health, policing, and housing.  Dr. Brown’s work is particularly relevant to our broader community as his research often focuses on Baltimore’s difficult history with past and present segregation.

Despite Baltimore’s difficult experience, Dr. Brown lays out a hopeful path forward.  Throughout his book he examines the role and possibilities for individuals and institutions to move us towards a more racially equitable path.  He offers a variety of innovative solutions to restore redlined neighborhoods arguing that the pain that was intentionally caused can be intentionally healed.

The 4th Floor Program Room is located in the Andrew White Student Center.